Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Boomerang Buzz: Day Two (Worship Him)

Hiya everyone! Welcome to Day Two of Boomerang Express! The kidaroos are on Track 2 today and the key lesson for all ages is about worshipping Jesus. In Matthew 14:22-33, after Jesus fed more than 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, he told His disciples to get into a boat and to meet Him later. Early in the morning, Jesus made his way towards the boat. It was dark and strong winds were blowing. This made the waves batter harshly the boat the disciples were in and they were afraid when they saw an apparition walking towards them. Peter and the others thought Jesus was a ghost. To calm their nerves, Jesus called out to them, saying that he was Jesus and told them not to be afraid. Peter reacted in faith to what he witnessed and requested to let him walk out on the water towards Jesus. However because Peter focused on the strong winds instead of Jesus, he began to sink. Jesus immediately came to save Peter and as soon as Peter was safely in the boat, the winds stopped and the waters calmed. The disciples were really in awe and began to worship Jesus, saying “Truly You are the Son of God”.

Bible verse for Day Two:
These are written so that you may believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. – John 20:31

At Crafts Crossing, the Kidaroos made the Praise Bell (a symbol of praise and worship) by using recycled mineral water bottles, ribbons and a small bell. In classrooms, they were also taught that worship is not just about singing praises to Jesus, but it is also how we live and conduct ourselves. So to glorify and worship Jesus, we should live in a manner that is pleasing to Him. Onya mates!

Please remember to wear your T-shirts on Thursday and to reply with your RSVPs for Family Day Concert (Saturday), Sunday School Open Day and Thanksgiving & Awards Party (both on Sunday).

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