Friday, October 16, 2009

A Different Perspective

Thought I would share this posting by Fee in her blog "" and to encourage us all on how amazing and complex yet simple is our Master's master plan... Lee Henn

It has been sometime that I had wanted to serve in Vacation BibleSchool (“VBS”) but dealing with children has never been my strength. Therefore, I have let the opportunity slipped on numerous occasions until now. During VBS’s promotion to recruit helpers this year, not only did my children spend a long time in front of the booth, they also gobbled up countless number of sausages served. In between her bites, Clarissa asked if I was going to help out. I could feel my cheeks turning red when I saw how much she has eaten but the crunch came when a thought surfaced “Surely if I could deal with Joseph, I could deal with any child?” That was when Sue passed me a form, and without another thought, I signed my name. Almost immediately, I felt a butterfly fluttering within. Finally, I am taking the plunge, out of my comfort zone.

When the first VBS training session took place, I was both relieved and happy to learn that I have been assigned to assist Wee Lee, someone whom I knew for more than 10 years but never quite had the chance to catch up until now. While we were making small chats about our children, Wee Lee asked if Joseph was in the nursery class for Sunday School. “Oh, Joseph Wong is an independent child. He would sit down and do his work quietly until he finished; while his peers would be distracted or playing with one another.” Co-incidentally, Wee Lee is also Joseph’s Sunday School teacher! My heart was filled with awe for God when I heard this. First, I was truly amazed that God has brought me to VBS so that I could catch-up with an old friend. Second, God was speaking through Wee Lee, telling me that “Hey, I am not done with Joseph. I am still at work in his life. Can’t you see it? Well, you should by now, as even his teacher could see it! I have heard your prayers for Joseph and I am doing something about it.”

I was fighting back my tears when I heard that my Joe is very well-behaved in Sunday School. And to show me a different perspective, God nudged me to sign up for VBS via Clarissa and placed me with Wee Lee. I would say that this is definitely a divine appointment, won’t you?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

VBS 2009 Volunteers Training

G'day Folks!

Thank you taking up the call to be the volunteers for this year's VBS 2009 - the Boomerang Express!

Get ready for our first VBS training and meeting for ALL volunteers on:
Date: Saturday, 24th October 2009
Time: 2.00-6.00pm
Venue: Main Sanctuary, FBC Pantai

Don't miss this important session! You will be contacted directly by your respective team leaders. Please RSVP ABLE OR UNABLE by 14th October. See you all there!