Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Boomerang Express - It All Comes Back to Jesus

9 August 2009 .

Chugga...Chugga...Chugga...Whoo...Whoo....all aboard now for the Boomerang Express train ride across the land Down Under. That's right folks, it's Vacation Bible School time again at FBC. For one whole week, the kidaroos (kids) and the Outback Guides (teachers and helpers) will crisscross Australia, taking off from Worship Rally Central, chugging along to Bible Study Outback, zig zagging and whistling at the Opera House, Missions Harbor, Crafts Crossing, Recreation Rock and the G'Day Cafe!

As the kids get a glimpse of the amazing scenery and unique continent of Australia, they will also discover the life changing truth that Jesus Christ desires to have a special and personal relationship with them. Throughout the week, the kids will stay on a single track of study as they learn about the life of Peter and how he came to know Jesus. Beginning with Peter's first introduction to Jesus, kids will follow Peter's growing relationship with his Saviour and Lord. Kids will be encouraged to begin their own journey with Jesus. Whether they are just being introduced to Jesus, or are ready to begin a life following Jesus, or have already accepted Jesus as Saviour, kids will discover how important it is to have a relationship with God's Son. No matter where kids find themselves they will learn that ''It All Comes Back to Jesus".

Are you hooked now? Mark these dates in your diary: 30th November - 6th December 2009. As in last year, we will have two sessions in a day; a morning session from 8:30 am - 12:30 noon and an afternoon session from 2pm - 6pm.

The main function of VBS is an evangelistic program for the unchurched kids and their families. It is our fervent hope that the whole of FBC will share this vision, and come along and partner us in this minstry to reach out to as many families as possible, by God's grace and strength. We encourage all of you to see VBS as an strategic outreach program for our church, and rise up to the occasion and play your part in making VBS a success and ultimately giving glory to God.

Last year, about 350 kids attended our VBS, and half of them were kids that had neither heard about Jesus nor stepped into a church. Isn't this such a wonderful opportunity for us as a church to reach out to them and show them who Jesus is and what it means to have a relationship with Him?

To the parents of our kids, don't miss this opportunity to teach the kids the importance of being a missionary to their unchurched friends and invite them to VBS. We hope you will enlarge your vision and see that your role extends beyond VBS and will continue to encourage and bring the unchurched kids to Sunday School and other events in church.

To the rest of the church, we need co-workers to come forward and get involved at the different stations and bible study huts. For those of you who have served year after year, we salute you! We need you to come on board and be the experienced hands and minds to help chug the train along its tracks and make sure the train doesn't derail! For those of you who have not been involved in VBS, don't miss out on the tremendous blessing in serving in this ministry. Training will be provided, and we guarantee a week of hard work, but indescribable excitement and irresistible fun. A word of warning, though, you will be seriously addicted once you come on board!

We take this opportunity to invite all of FBC to be our Partners-In-Prayer! Please uphold the VBS in prayer. Commit the VBS into God’s hands and pray for a shield of protection throughout the week around every one of the kids and co-workers. Pray for all co-workers to be steadfast and excel in the Lord’s work, knowing that their labour will not be in vain. Pray for the teachers to effectively communicate Bible truths to the children they teach. Pray for the mission teachers that God will use them to spread enthusiasm for missions. Ask God for creativity and patience for those working in the media and crafts teams. Pray for stamina and strength for those leading recreational activities and those preparing snacks. Pray that the Concert Day will provide wonderful witnessing opportunities for reaching the unchurched. Pray that all co-workers and children will seek Jesus with all their hearts before, during and after VBS. Thank God in advance for the blessings and opportunities He will be providing through VBS.

This year, we have set up a post VBS team, a group of people that will be working with the VBS teachers, parents and Sunday School teachers to transit the unchurched kids to coming to our regular Sunday School. We hope that VBS won't be just one week of Bible learning, life changing and fun filled events, but will serve as a platform to reach out to the unchurched kids and allow us to establish an ongoing relationship with them and their families.

So church, WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? Hear the whistle? Grab your tickets and hop aboard the Boomerang Express! Because remember, no matter when, where or what we find ourselves in, we know that "It All Comes Back to Jesus!"

By VBS Committee 2009

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